Solar power plant solutions for smart cities

Non-slip BIPV floor solar panels; ideal solutions for Promenades, Parks, Walkways ….
Solar power plants for houses and buildings of all types and sizes

Solar power plants for houses and buildings of all types and sizes according to the turnkey system with provided service and warranty. Call us for more details.
Smart Solar Bus Shelters / canopy / for Smart Cities and Safe travel

Each shelter in the basic version has wireless Wi-Fi internet, LED lighting, chargers for mobile phones, advertising positions … Power supply exclusively on solar energy. Quick and easy installation, maintenance-free
Smart solar bus shelters for the city of Nis

Each shelter have LED lighting, 4G Internet, mobile chargers and advertising positions.
Smart solar benches with INTERACTIVE monitors for AVALA and State Enterprise for Forest Management “Srbijašume”

Integrate 32 “Interactive Monitor, Mobile Chargers, 4G Internet, Advertising and Branding Positions, Rest Area.
Smart solar bench for Postanska štedionica Bank and MTS

4G Internet, USB and Wireless Wi Fi Chargers for mobile, LED lighting, Positions for advertising and branding, place to rest.
Smart Solar Bench for NIS Gazprom NEFT

4G Internet, USB and Wireless Wi Fi Chargers for mobile, LED lighting, Advertising and branding positions, rest area.
Smart Solar bench for the city of Pancevo

4G Internet, Mobile chargers, LED lighting, Advertising and branding positions, rest area.
Smart Solar Bench for Masdar Park, Abu Dhabi, UAE

4G Internet, Mobile chargers, LED lighting, Advertising and branding positions, rest area.
Smart solar benches for Tourist Lookouts in Montenegro

4G Internet, Mobile chargers, LED lighting, Advertising and branding positions, rest area.